Message of the Latter Rain, The
Code: 00170
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Ellen White believed that the message presented in 1888 was the beginning of the latter rain and that more light was to be unveiled. In The Message of the Latter Rain, the authors have taken the ‘beginning’ of the ‘loud cry’ message of 1888 on justification and followed it through to its logical conclusion. The result is astonishing. It provides an amazing view of God’s pardoning love that refutes the Moral Influence Theory by presenting a balanced view of God’s justice and mercy. This message will warm your heart, clarify your understanding, and empower your witnessing to a dying world.
I am impressed with your clarity and passion for the theological contours of what happened in the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference. It has never been better explained. Your analysis of Adventist Arminianism is succinct and much needed especially after 50 years of Adventist fog. You neatly showed . . . that God forgives because He loves (which is exactly embedded in the Great Controversy theme, so backwards for so many)—though even His love will not coerce our loyalty. This book will be a companion volume to Duffield’s Return of the Latter Rain.” Herbert Edgar Douglass, Th.D.